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عرض الرسائل ذات التصنيف وظائف

جامعة البحرين تعلن عن وظائف جديدة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس "من معيد الي أستاذ".. سجل هنا

تعلن جامعة البحرين عن حاجتها للتعاقد مع أعضاء هيئة تدريس جدد "من معيد إلي أستاذ" وذلك في التخصصات التالية:  Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor University of Bahrain Personnel Department Man Power Section 25/12/2016 UNIVERSITY OF BAHRAIN REQUIRES The University of Bahrain is in the process of offering a number of academic posts to suitable application at various levels ( Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor ). For the academic year  2017/2018        College of Business Administration Accounting Urban Economics Finance Real Estate Finance Marketing Management Islamic banking Recruitment Conditions: Application Must: Applications with the specializations listed must be holders of a Ph.D. from a recognized University. Applicants should have worked in a recognized University, and have experience in teaching and academic works in English. Appointees may be required to teach lower level courses a...